Posted by: amamasblog | February 3, 2008

It’s About Time- Celebrity & Normal Birth

I just came across this article from PEOPLE, and all I can say is it is about time!  PEOPLE usually drives me crazy when reporting on celebrity births, because they always seem to have to say and publicize when the birth was by C-section.  Yet, they hardly ever say when a celebrity has a baby by normal vaginal birth.

But maybe the tide is changing? They reported that John C. McGinley (from Scrubs) and his wife Nichole, welcomed an 8 lb. baby daughter (Billie) on Saturday.  They also reported, “She was delivered at 1:36 a.m. in a birthing tub at the couple’s home in Malibu, with a midwife in attendance.

“Nichole was a mountain lion, a warrior in the birthing process,” McGinley tells PEOPLE. “The birth was astonishing! Mom and baby girl are 100 percent. Billie is a ‘mini Nichole’! Thank God.”

New mom Nichole, an Ashtanga yoga teacher and birthing doula, adds, “We are all happy and healthy at home and enjoying these precious first moments of life together.”

I think it is great this couple chose to have their baby at home with a midwife, and bring attention to the fact, that it is perfectly safe to have a baby at home.  I hope PEOPLE will continue to report on more births like this.  After all, it is the NORMAL way to have a baby. 


  1. i love how he calls his wife a warrior! what a wonderfully supportive husband. 🙂

  2. I know, Amy! I always liked him on Scrubs, even though his character is kind of a jerk. I thought he plays the part great though. Sounds like he is the total opposite in real life! How cool!

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