Posted by: amamasblog | March 11, 2008

Mama’s Sick

Yesterday afternoon, a stomach bug hit me out of nowhere!  I’ll spare you all the lovely details, but today I feel like I was hit by a bus, am achy, have a pounding headache, and I am exhausted.  To top it off, Cole seems to have come down with another cold.  He is miserable, whinny, and clingy.  On the positive side, Ryan has just been such an angel.  He entertained himself this morning while Cole and I rested, and after lunch he went outside and played for two hours!  I didn’t even attempt to take him to pre-school this morning. 

Joe had to go to work today, and is trying to get his class done early so he can come home.  Last night he totally took over and fed the boys, gave them baths, and got them ready for bed.  It was so nice being able to just rest and let Dad take care of everything.   Days like this are so hard.  It is bad enough when you aren’t feeling good, but having a sick child too, who wants and needs you is so draining. 

I just got Cole down for a nap, and Ryan and I are going to go take one now too.  I may not post for a few days, but as soon as I am feeling better and caught up with everything, I’ll be back.  Hope everyone else is staying healthy.  These stomach viruses stink!


  1. oh no! so sorry to read you are sick. hope you can get some rest and take it easy (as much as a mama can, right?).

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